Tuesday, February 9, 2010


2. This 'Autumnal Demonstration' by the Heavy Hills was recorded October 11th of 2009 by Cory Routh for the Golden Apple Purple Panther Party.


All Is Love 93
Non Serviam
Walking With Me

3. Stay promptly tuned for more information about March 11th.

5. Words of consideration for your soul:
"History, materialism, monism, positivism, and all the "isms" of this world are old and rusty tools which I don't need or mind anymore. My principle is life, my end is death. I wish to live my life intensely for to embrace my life tragically.

You are waiting for the revolution? My own began a long time ago! When you will be ready (God, what an endless wait!) I won't mind going along with you for awhile. But when you'll stop, I shall continue on my insane and triumphal way toward the great and sublime conquest of the nothing! Any society that you build will have its limits. And outside the limits of any society the unruly and heroic tramps will wander, with their wild & virgin thoughts--they who cannot live without planning ever new and dreadful outbursts of rebellion!

I shall be among them!

And after me, as before me, there will be those saying to their fellows: "So turn to yourselves rather than to your Gods or to your idols. Find what hides in yourselves; bring it to light; show yourselves!"

Because every person; who, searching his own inwardness, extracts what was mysteriously hidden therein; is a shadow eclipsing any form of society which can exist under the sun! All societies tremble when the scornful aristocracy of the tramps, the inaccessibles, the uniques, the rulers over the ideal, and the conquerors of the nothing resolutely advances.

So, come on iconoclasts, forward!

Already the foreboding sky grows dark and silent!"

--Renzo Novatore Arcola, January, 1920

[img cred: Joe Estes]

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


"I have come... into these districts because I found the law sitting too tight upon me and am not overfond of neighbors who can't settle a dispute without troubling a justice and twelve men... I am as rightful an owner of the land i stand on as any governor of the States! Can you tell me, stranger, where the law or the reason is to be found which says that one man shall have a section, or a town, or perhaps a country to his use and another have to beg for earth to bury himself in?This is not nature, and I deny that it is law."
-Gone to Croatan
edited by Ron Sakolsky and James Koehnline

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


This weekend, specifically the Ninth of January:

@ the 149 Clay St House of Ill Repute garage around back

MOHORAM ATTA (santa cruz evil)
PURPLE MERCY (freaky burn outs)
HEAVY HILLS (is the mic on?)
SHEEP (psychedelic thrash from LA)

The show will start promptly at 7. Free. Don't break windows please. Show is happening in the garage behind 149. Go down drive way and it is right there. No beer pong or cops allowed. Respect the neighbors, they are hella cool."

and January Sixteenth,

come freak out

Sunday, January 3, 2010


resist paramilitary police and the destruction of protest as a legitimate means of change
roll back erosion of free speech and fascist thug harassment of law- and love-abiding citizens





Monday, December 28, 2009

Update from the Temple No. 9

-The show on New Years Eve is now all ages but will still have the bar, so no one has an excuse not to go. 3201 3rd St. San Francisco California. $3 at 8 PM WOO
-Purple Mercy has begun to craft new arrangements which will be recorded in early spring 2010. It goes.
-Sebastian is the all-time champion of ro-sham-bo against Paul Woods.

Hail Eris,
Golden Apple Corps

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Communication # 5

Plant Your Seeds, and Let Them Bloom: Points Toward Growth

1. It is absolutely imperative that the bonds of form, as they stand, are dissolved, reduced to materia prima, and cultivated to spring forth, blossoming commensurate to the times.

2. It is inexpedient and unfruitful to deny the temporal conditions at hand. It is as if the socio-political possibilities of the mid 20th century (the 1960s) are being given a second chance from Providence, as if the impetus of love has not yet given up on humanity. Dionysius is reawakening, and only those willing to accept the wine will become intoxicated and sing loud into the night.

3. It’s time to move. A quantum leap is occurring ad evolution, and adaptation must be committed. Truth, beauty, and justice (science, art, and morality respectively) must be sublimated and cultivated into love and freedom.

4. It is not simply enough to commit ideas to posterity via language and formulation. The seeds must and have been planted in order to grow. Growth is dynamic thus must be made manifest in time and space, as these conditions are commensurate to the demands at hand.

5. Combine idea with art in real time; this is the method of drama and poetry. Music is a sonic adaptation thereof and the means which could work best for us of the GAPPPM.

6. The time of germination is quickly coming to chrysalis; LET IT BLOOM! in every sense of the word. Justice is a means to Freedom, and Freedom is the circuit of Love. Love and Freedom are the maxim of dynamism, thusly being the most expedient. Freedom is the only means of evolution toward, and by, Love.

7. What does this look like immediately? A return to approach of guerilla ontology; it is not enough to theorize. Dramatic demonstrations of Love and Freedom through song, dance, melody, rhythm, tempo, ecstasy, joy, complete intoxication (with or without organic agents); these are the true conditions and symptoms of the Love and Freedom, the only possible causes and effects of Evolution. LET IT BLOOM.

8. Practically speaking, the streets must be taken in expression of the need for these conditions to be recognized (as the are, and have always been o/recurring). Human society grows in power by refinement. Human society must be in turn smelted and tempered again and again until the irrelevant death throes of resentiment (staticism, neophobia, conservativism, inertness) are transmuted.

9. This process grows forth, and is most easily understood/recognized/identified primarily in art, thusly art is the most expedient path toward evolution of consciousness. This impetus need not be curbed by the Heads or the Fists, therefore confrontation is not necessary; for the current will consume opposition in its under-toe, as even opposition is a break from form. “The artists are the antennae of the race.”-Ezra Pound.

10. THUSLY: Art toward Freedom toward Love is the evolutionary outflow of dynamic Dionysian influence, and ought to embraced, as it can only envelope by the marvelous current with which it flows. Only by these means can a positive, artistic, loving, freedom faring revolution be achieved. Violence and brute opposition are inexpedient and negative; note, positive as wealth, negative as illth. That is not to say the forms and boundaries will not be dissolved and destroyed; they will be engulfed and transmuted by Water and Fire accordingly, as the principles stand. Carrying forth as such can only be a be a vehicle for evolution and an impediment of decadence and stagnation.

Saturday, December 12, 2009